What is AI?
AI (Artificial Intelligence) is the programming of computers to do small jobs that people normally do. Summing it up in one sentence is always challenging but in essence, that is the purpose of AI. AI can do tasks at a rapid pace, and it is changing the world as we know it.
Without going into too much detail (this is a space with a lot of tangents.) AI can be broadly described in two categories. Narrow and General intelligence. There is a third called super intelligence (more intelligent than us) and we are in no way close to that.
Most of the AI we see today would be Artificial Narrow Intelligence.
Artificial Narrow Intelligence
An easy way to remember Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) is that it has a narrow focus. This means that computers or robots are programmed to perform a single task very well. It is not uncommon for machines to be able to perform a series of single tasks also.
Examples of ANI include Siri, Self-Driving Cars or suggestion engines. Netflix’s suggestion engine would be a great example of narrow AI. It will look at your history and make recommendations based on that data. It uses a form of probability to see what you are most likely interested in; based on what you have watched in the past.

Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) would be a replication of conscious thought. Scientists have not gotten this far. An easy way to remember AGI would be the ability for a machine or computer to imagine, understand or form an opinion. You may think that Siri can answer a question in a funny way, but in reality, it is very clever use of ANI with a lot of data!
Many people would think AI is something that is going to take over people’s jobs and livelihoods. That simply is not the case, it is going to transform the way we live and do business it has already created an industry of an estimated $51 billion which is rapidly creating new jobs.
If you have any questions about AI we would love to hear from you. Contact us by e-mailing info@speire.ie.